In the Solar Ring of the Red Magnetic Moon we had the privilege to host Roy LittleSun to share with us the One Heart Dance. The timing for this event was perfect because it was synchronised with the Ceremony for Sounding the Lost Cord in the centre of the Solar Ring and the middle of the Tzolkin (remember). With this event the One Heart Dance was introduced in the Lowlands of the Sun Bioregion and since that time more and more groups do this dance in times of equinoxes and solstices. The goal is to dance this dance with all our brothers and sisters when the big cycle will come to it’s conclusion in 2012.
Now in this Solar Ring of the White Lunar Wizard the LittleSun returned to our little country at the bottom of the sea. On the day of White Solar Wind we took Roy from the Airport to a place called the ‘Old Krieger’ in Okkenbroek. This is an old farm from the 13th century located on a piece of old Earth in the north east of Holland. We received a clear teaching which we have taped:
Because we where with a small selective group of friends we could go deep into the teachings and have a strong ceremony in building a medicine wheel. This ceremony was guided by spirit and the wheel was building itself with us being the body and hands. The medicine wheel consist of 108 different pieces (nice to know 108 is the number belongs to messenger of the one mind Buddha, and as we know lord Buddha was born in the centre of the Tzolkin on the Magnetic Monkey, which is the solar seal of Roy LittleSun). We put a stone from the foundation of the farm at the East Gate, this stone is at least 700 years old and it was magic how this stone came to our attention. This stone looks like a little stairway to give entrance to the inner universe coming from the outer universe and it has symbols which teaches us about the movement from energy coming from the east going to the west with the north and the south being the fixed turning points. Beneath this East gate stone an other stone must be buried. This stone comes from the medicine wheel in the heart of the zodiac in Glastonbury and carries the energies of the eternal flame brought to it by a ceremony in South Africa at the Cradle of Humanity. Three of us where chosen to be the guardians of this special stone to help us remember the eternal white light as the source behind the rainbow.
OneHeart Medicine Wheel
With the initiation of the medicine wheel we had the ceremony of releasing the memory of the seed by crushing white hopi corn between two small milling stones, off course this ceremony was done on the day of the Spectral Seed. This ceremony was going to be the red line in our different meetings and circles. In the memory of the seed is the memory of the tree, our new way of life we need to remember.
With this ceremony being done we left for Beekhuizen. This is an other location in which we as E(art)h Awareness have a cooperation with the people living there. Beekhuizen is located near Arnhem close to the Veluwe and is a beautiful place in nature. There was a professional film crew to help us in making a documentary of the One Heart Dance ceremonies. We received a short introduction before going into the dance. The dance was upgraded after last time, we have learned something, we didn’t need any fixed points anymore in the cardinal directions, we knew where to turn and how to move, also the people doing this for the first time. After the dance ceremony there was a sharing about love and the opportunity to came to a new agreement about oneness. Chewing on these concepts we went to Nijmegen, home to the ‘Stichting voor de Wet van Tijd Nederland’, and had a day of rest to reflect and time for new insights.
Crystal Serpent we where on our way to Teuge. In Teuge is a large squatted area with 11 big buildings. In one of the buildings, they are actually old buckers build by the Germans in WO II, we have a big shared space in which we do Teachings and Ceremony from all kind of spiritual directions. In this space we also conducted the first Earth Wizards intensive in Holland. It has a Big Banner of Peace and a 2mtr wide Tzolkin mozaïk next to a large Tzolkin to show people the relations of the day. It is also home to our E(ART)h Awareness round table, which miraculously manifested during the 7 day Earth Wizard event.
One Heart dance patron
Like a Celtic Knot