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PAN Alpan Planetary Silio 28 Report

As-salaam alaikum Planetary Kin!

Report of the PAN Alpan (Switzerland) Vision Council, Solar 12-14

The Swiss Kin have gathered in a little seminar center called the „Rainbow House“ close to Solothurn for the Spring Equinox on Solar 12-14 to hold a Vision Council. 13 Kin from 4 nodes were present, three German speaking nodes and one Italian speaking. Unfortunately there was nobody from the French speaking part of the country.

Attending PAN nodes:
PAN Appenzell
PAN Bern
PAN Solothurn
PAN Ticino

It became aware to everybody, that Switzerland has a special position in Europe, not only because it is not a EU member but also, because it has four official languages. The group realized that the language barrier is a major factor for the lack of communication and needs special effort to be overcome. Naturally the Italian speaking Kin are more attracted to Italy than to the German speaking part of Switzerland, as well as the German speaking Kin are more attracted to Germany or Austria. The same applies for the French speaking Kin. This is a quite significant issue the Swiss Kin have to deal with in regard to their organizational structure.
However, our coming together was fruitful and the different nodes got to know each other.

Because this group met for the first time, we began with an introduction round, sharing our feelings, visions and where we are at.

Daniel 10 Dragon informed about the status of the OFFEX (FLT's Office for External Affairs) pointing out that the office needs help, that it is a coop-business rather than a one-man-show. Being a function of the FLT, Offex should be supported by PAN. Several Kin dedicated to help in the administration.

The council decided about a new name for PAN Switzerland to overcome mental  and national boarders maintained by use of names of 12:60 nation states. To more orientate on geographic/bioregional aspects, the council chose the name ALPAN (Alps PAN) to be the official PAN name for Switzerland, hence PAN Alpan. In the future this name could be used for the whole alpine region extending to eastern France, northern Italy, western Austria and southern Germany.

Rob 11 Eagle was chosen PAN Alpan coordinator.

The council has established the following task forces:

TF Synchronometer: A German full color 13 Moon synchronometer shall be again produced for the Magnetic Moon Year, as well as an Time is Art Calendar with hand drawn seals made by 13:20 artist Urs 3 Wizard. This calendar shall be simple but highly appealing, so mainstream people will buy it for ist beauty and so find an easy introduction into the Law of Time – Time is Art.

TF Internet: A simple website shall be created which runs in English, German, Italian and French. Switzerland is unique because it has several official languages which all should be represented.

TF Art & Culture: This task force is responsible for organizing cultural events/presence at festivals, markets (selling handicrafts, art, etc.), and to organize the annual DOOT.

TF Education: Seminars, workshops, presentations on Calendar Change and the Law of Time shall be organized and facilitated. This task force is also responsible for the translation of the various educational 13:20 materials.

TF Networking: Linking up with other organizations, individuals, that also work for word peace, to create synergy and mutual empowerment (diplomatics).

TF CREST Alps: Because one of the 13 Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind (CREST), according to the Planetary Engineering Project, is to be set up preferably in the Swiss Alps, this task force is to create focus and an outreach strategy to activate PAN in the Sun Bioregion for this matter. The council found this CREST to be a very good way to get the European PAN together for a cooperative project, which eventually manifests a fruit of effort from which the whole bioregion can profit. The Alpine CREST is actually the responsibility of the whole Sun Bioregion. Switzerland seems to be the most challenging place on the planet to establish a CREST, because of the dense population, the high altitude (harsh climate in winter) one has to go to in order to find virgin and remote land, the bureaucratic structures/law regulations and finally the costs for land, permits, building materials etc. It will take the effort of the whole Bioregion to make the CREST project in Europe manifest.

The council was presented with an idea of creating a “Kin Base”, a kind of 13:20 community for the Kin working closely together on more or less the same projects. This would cut down on individual expanses for rent, office expanses, traveling costs, etc. and the Kin could work much more effectively being in the same place. Physical contact/exchange/communication is invaluable, especially in times where many of us spent hours in front of the screen. A Kin Base could also function as a rest area for caravans and/or traveling Kin and to practice communal life style. This idea was picked up very well and some Kin have agreed to follow up on this.

The Vision Council was concluded with music (drums and voice) and dancing and the celebration of astronomical spring equinox.

Planetary Moon Report

On Gamma 3 3 Kin from the Alpan Offex embarked on a trip to the Lowlands of the Sun Bioregion (Netherlands) to meet with Kin from PAN Holland and PAN Ur. The object of the journey was to find out possibilities for a symposium with Valum Votan to be held in this part of Europe about a Moon after the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Right in Brazil. The Alpan delegation arrived just in time for the first Court of the Kin on this topic where the general idea of the symposium was presented to the gathered Kin. The circle decided to have a couple of days for reflecting the meeting and to gather again on Planetary 8, Crystal Night, to share the stance and possible contribution of each Kin.
Further meetings of the potential core PAN organizers of this symposium have shown though, that the group isn't ready yet for such a project. To anyway create this event, the organization would have to be given to professional event organizers or to find another PAN group to take this task on.

On its travels through the land of waterchannels and windmills, the Alpan caravan has contacted a potential donor/supporter of the FLT and its projects. This was quite successful as a proposal of mutual support between the potential donor and the Offex/FLT could be found and agreed to check out further possibilities of action.

In a meeting of the Alpan Kin with PAN Ur in Amsterdam, the issue of CyberPAN was again disussed. It was found that a single web portal for the World PAN would be very helpful to show the coherent cooperative effort of the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. At present there are two major websites, www.planetartnetwork.info and www.tortuga.com . The flow of communication/information could be more effective, if these two websites would be somehow united and set up in a way that it would be an open source platform where each PAN node could then update its part itself, relieving the webmasters of a lot of work posting info, reports, etc.
A letter was sent to the responsible webmasters of these two websites with the invitation to start a discussion on this issue and find solutions for such a unified open source platform. This proposal was picked up with some positive resonance.

The group also came up with the vision to invite all European PAN nodes or/and Bioregional PAN coordinators/representatives to a European Vision Council to be held at the site of the European Rainbow Gathering in England (Magnetic 1 to Lunar 1) one week before the official start of the gathering. This Council would be the Bioregional preparation for the PAN World Council happening sometime in the Electric Moon in Brazil (probably after the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights). During this week an inventory of PAN Europe and the common vision for the next ring could be defined and some DOOT celebrations prepared. A wonderful Galactic Time is Art camp could be set up to host workshops, talking circles, artistic activities and facilitate major galactic activation during the gathering.
A separate call/invitation will be sent out soon …

Another idea that came up was to revive the EuroPAN Caravan again. There are several Kin who feel called to this mission and possibly more could be activated during the Rainbow Gathering. The latest Rinri Newsletter talking about a Mystery of the Stone Giveaway Tour is another inspirative source to consider such a project for the European Bioregion. The caravan could begin its journey right after the gathering. Become the victory of prophecy …

In service to the New Time
In Lak'ech

On behalf of PAN Alpan
Kin 115

Year of the Yellow Cosmic Seed
Planetary Silio 28
Kin 123, Blue Rhythmic Night

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©Año Torumenta Resonante (2013)
Fundación para la Ley del Tiempo